Pricing Your Home Strategically For Sale
While the goal is to get the highest possible sales price, in a reasonable period of time, listing a property...
While the goal is to get the highest possible sales price, in a reasonable period of time, listing a property...
The Rosewood Miramar Beach luxury oceanfront resort opens officially to the public on March 1, 2019. The luxury resort is...
Price to sell or price to hold? Anchor or propeller? When you list your home to sell how competitive will you be? Everyone wants to get top dollar for their home, that’s only natural. Pricing your home based on neighborhood sales, and market conditions is critical. Pricing your property as close to the “Threshold” of what it eventually sells as statistics show time and again will get you the best price and terms.
Santa Barbara Readiness Maps were created for the areas of Montecito, Summerland, and Carpinteria affected by the deadly Jan. 9 debris flows and were released on June 11, 2018, by the Federal Emergency Management Agency. The debris flows killed 23 people and damaged or destroyed hundreds of homes and businesses just weeks after the Thomas Fire blackened most of the watershed about Montecito. The maps reflect areas that can be expected to flood in heavy rainfalls, with new elevations that resulted from the events related to the debris flow, according to Santa Barbara County officials. Residents, architects, and contractors are expected to use the new elevations and flood hazard zones to guide their planning and development decisions.“The maps are a critical guide to future development decisions in Montecito,” said Matt Pontes, the county’s assistant executive officer. “The updated FEMA maps are a key tool to rebuild Montecito.
What Your Home Inspector Won’t Tell You! This article appeared in the Wall Street Journal market watch section. For the whole article click...
Image Pixabay Moving can be a challenging prospect, especially when you have children involved. Here are a few tips to...
Santa Barbara Surf Report aka 17 Feet 17ft.com, where the locals check out the surf Santa Barbara Surfer News, Events,...
It’s a common problem in real estate: Owners’ estimates of home values rarely match the estimates of professional appraisers. A...
Getting the Best Price and Terms for the Sale of your Home! Selling your home in Santa Barbara and getting...
SANTA BARBARA, Calif. – The U.S. News & World Report says Santa Barbara is the number one best place to...
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