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Thousands of L.A. Wildfire Evacuees Find Shelter, Support in Santa Barbara
Kids Displaced by L.A. Fires Welcomed by Santa Barbara School
The Headlines Below Are Links To Their Strories
Thousands of L.A. Wildfire Evacuees Find Shelter, Support in Santa Barbara
Kids Displaced by L.A. Fires Welcomed by Santa Barbara School
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Mark Danforth Lomas has contributed 578 entries to our website, so far.View entries by Mark Danforth Lomas
Santa Barbara Historic Homes Tour Sunday, May 18, 2014 (11[...]
Proposition 19 went into effect on April 1, 2021, protecting millions of older homeowners, homeowners with severe disabilities, and victims of wildfires or natural disasters. As older homeowners move to senior housing, retirement communities, condos, and smaller homes, more homeownership opportunities will open up in communities throughout California each year for renters, young families, and first-time homebuyers. Proposition 19 allows victims of wildfire or natural disasters to transfer the property tax base of their damaged house to a replacement home anywhere in California. Proposition 19 also frees up inventory by offering these considerations. Click Read More below for more information
The current volatility in the Stock Market might make investors consider if their money might be put to better use in real estate. Here are 8 reasons why real estate is a better investment.
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3112 State Street, Santa Barbara, California 93105
Mark Lomas BRE 00898298
Kirsten Wolfe BRE 01309570
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