When you decide to sell your home your initial asking price is the most critical aspect of your property’s marketing plan. Statistics show time and again that homes that are priced properly when first brought to market sell at a higher sales price, oftentimes with better terms and conditions, and in a shorter time frame. Pricing your house right is critical!
The price you set for your house sends a message. If you list your home for sale with a price that’s too high, and you find out down the line that you need to reduce your asking price, be aware that may raise concerns for some prospective buyers that will wonder why the price was reduced and what that means about the home?
Testing the marketplace with an inflated/over-the-market value asking price is not the best strategy even in a seller’s market. If you price it just right it might generate multiple offers. A best-case scenario for sellers. In a buyer’s market, it may even prove to be disastrous.
This is where working with a professional that knows your neighborhood, comparable sales, and market trends can give you the best advice and a realistic perspective on pricing. This is practicing the fine art of real estate. It’s who we are and what we do.
We’re happy to help and all the best out there!
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